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Resilient Sounds is a company that develops products that is geared towards the competition scene. We appreciate the car audio community and strive to do our best to meet the demands of this incredible industry.  If you compete in any of the car audio organizations we want to offer exclusive discounts, as we believe this scene deserves the best from the car audio manufactures.  


In order to qualify to be a member you must be a car audio competitor that competes in any of the car audio organizations such as Meca, DB Drag, Usaci, NSPL, Iasca, Basswars, ext. 

In order to be approved send proof of any score sheet, or link to any competition stats or scores. Email with the subject line of Competitor signup. 


Once approved you will have access to our exclusive competitor discounts.

By signing up Resilient Sounds reserves the right to revoke any signup at anytime. 



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